Factors that contribute to boating accidents, injuries and deaths

Boating can be dangerous, and most people instantly think of drowning as the number one concern. While this is a real concern, it’s also important to look at all of the factors that contribute to injuries and deaths on the water. These can help to show where the fault really lies, which is important when determining if a wrongful death case is warranted in New York.
The 2014 report showed that alcohol use was one of the leading factors noted. It showed up in 277 total accident, which then led to 248 injuries and 108 deaths. Interestingly, it contrasts with drug use, which was not mentioned often. Drugs were only noted in eight accidents, leading to six injuries and seven deaths.
Two of the biggest contributing factors were related: Operator inattention and improper lookout. Operator inattention was linked to 563 different accidents, leading to 370 injuries and 38 deaths. Improper lookout was cited in connection with 431 accidents, and it led to 321 injuries and 26 deaths.
It’s worth noting that some of these accidents could overlap, as they may have multiple contributing factors. For example, someone could keep an improper lookout and get in an accident because he or she had been drinking. Similarly, a person who used drugs could then not pay proper attention while boating due to the impact of the drugs.
On the whole, there were 2,289 accidents that were reported. In these, 1,758 people were injured, and 267 people lost their lives.
If you have lost a loved one in a boating accident, it is wise to look into the different types of compensation that you may deserve. Please check out our site to learn more.