New York renters have options when their residence is unsafe

New York cities like Manhattan are filled with rental properties. These rental units are often a hot commodity and are snatched up as quickly as they become available. As such, many renters are hesitant to leave an apartment or a rented house even when the premises are not as safe as they should be. What many New Yorkers do not know, is that they have other options to choose from and do not necessarily have to move out to find satisfaction.
Landlords in Manhattan and elsewhere have a duty to provide tenants with a degree of security about the safety of their homes. Called the warranty of habitability, it states that tenants have the right to “a livable, safe and sanitary apartment.” Further, these rights are implied in all oral or written New York residential leases. Under this warranty, landlords must assure the following:
— The premises is in good repair
— The premises is free of lead paint
— The premises is equipped with safety devices like smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
— The premises is reasonably protected from criminal elements
— Multi-unit premises built or converted after 1967 have self-closing and self-locking doors
— Apartment buildings with more than seven units utilize an intercom system
If you believe your landlord has failed to provide you with a safe living environment, you should contact an attorney. This is especially the case if you cannot move or do not want to move. If you have already been injured on unsafe premises, a personal injury attorney can advise you about your rights as tenant.
Please browse our personal injury web pages to learn more about your rights in New York.