Boy dies accident in New York

In 2015, a tragic accident happened in New York. A 4-year-old boy, was struck and killed by a dump truck driver. The boy had taken his mother’s hand and she led him across the roadway, in a crosswalk with the light in their favor and clearly marked. The family has filed a wrongful death suit against the driver.
The nearly year-long investigation was thorough and the police say that they issued 21 traffic tickets to the driver. Some of the tickets he received were for faulty brakes. Others were for a dirty license plate, inoperable horn, frayed tires and malfunctioning lights. His left turn signal also did not work at the time of the accident.
He isn’t facing any type of criminal charges that are related to the boy’s death. It seems as if he would be held accountable in some way by the authorities.
A crossing guard was present and did not help with the crossing. She said her stop sign was in her locked car, which had been towed. She is not being named in the wrongful death suit.
The police say that the state of New York also helped in gathering evidence and issuing tickets. The boy’s family say they are satisfied with the tickets that were issued to the man. They say the work that the state and local authorities completed was thorough.
If your loved one has died because of another person’s negligence, you may have a civil suit that can be filed. That lawsuit can seek compensation for your damages and losses, although that will not bring back your loved one.
Source: Times Union, “Tickets, but no criminal charges filed in crash that killed Albany boy,” Lindsay Ellis, Jan. 20, 2016